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Covenant Logistics Turns to MindShare for Website Content Development

Website Development • By: Brian Everett


Jacksonville, Fla., Aug. 4, 2021 (MindShare Strategies) – MindShare Strategies was part of a digital marketing and content team to launch a modernized website for its client Covenant Logistics, a leading provider of transportation and logistics services in the U.S. The website development was part of a comprehensive initiative to articulate the company’s strong value proposition to its customers and the industry at-large and to help bring the Covenant brand to life.

According to Brian Everett, senior partner with MindShare Strategies, “part of the process in telling the powerful Covenant story involved completing more than 25 detailed interviews with key supply chain and transportation executives who are active clients in the consumer goods, retail, food and beverage, industrial manufacturing, and healthcare sectors. These customers described their experiences and the value generated through their relationship with Covenant, which in turned provided us with rich perspectives to tell the story of Covenant.”

Covenant’s portfolio of logistics and transportation solutions help these customers to engineer value-driven supply chains to get products where they are needed – quickly, cost-effectively, and seamlessly, according to Everett.

Covenant Website Screen Capture

The modernized website initiative involved clearly redefining Covenant’s value proposition through MindShare Strategies’ MindMap Development process. It also involved coordinating custom photo shoots to showcase the company’s state-of-the-art facilities, equipment, and overall capabilities.

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Brian Everett

As Senior Partner of MindShare Strategies, Brian regularly provides business strategy and marketing counsel to the firm’s key accounts, including Food Shippers of America (FSA) and the Women In Trucking Association (WIT). With 30+ years marketing, communications, and sales experience in transportation, warehousing, and logistics, Brian has special expertise in business strategy, B-to-B marketing, and association management. Previously he was CEO of the Transportation Marketing & Sales Association (TMSA), Executive Director of the National Strategic Shipment Transportation Council (NASSTRAC) and was the first lead marketing executive who established the formal marketing function at C.H. Robinson.